Hello and welcome to Birmingham Tutor Company. This page is about the functional skills qualification for English and maths where you will find details about the exams.

The Levels

The functional skills qualification is a GCSE equivalent qualification when you reach level 2 for both English and maths. The level 2 qualification is what employers and universities accept. The levels for the functional skills qualifications are entry level 1, entry level 2, entry level 3, level 1 and level 2.

Exam Boards

The City and Guilds functional skills level 2 is by far the most popular exam every year and this isn’t a surprise since City and Guilds is one of the largest exam boards that provides English and maths functional skills qualifications. There are a lot of awarding bodies for functional skills but most of them have the same curriculum that the UK government has set so don’t worry about trying to see the differences between them, there isn’t any. However there are differences between the functional skills courses but they are minor.

We have collected information about the functional skills qualifications and previous questions we have been asked and answered them for you below.


Can you explain what a functional skills qualification is?
To answer this question, a functional skills qualification is a GCSE equivalent qualification that is recognized by higher education establishments and employers.

What is the difference between GCSEs and functional skills?
The biggest difference is the content, functional skills have less and the content is more relatable since it is real life situations.

Is functional skills exams harder than the GCSE exams?
This isn’t a straight yes or no answer. It depends on what you prefer as a learner for example if you don’t like everyday situations as the question then GCSE exams are better for you.

How long will it take to complete a level 2 functional skills qualification?
Again this is a difficult question to answer because it all depends on the learner and when they feel ready to take the exam. Some people don’t need much time to learn the materials however others need longer to do it so it depends on the learner but we will create a programme for you.

Can functional skills qualification help to get me a Job?
Yes this qualification will help you since the level 2 is a GCSE equivalent qualification.

What is the pass mark for the functional skills exams?
This is forever changing depending on the paper but it is often around 50-60% but we can’t guarantee what the mark will be.

Can I get a free functional skills level 2 exam?
Yes some people can get funding for the functional skills courses but if you are older than 19, then the government doesn’t provide you with any funding. You can apply through apprenticeships programmes to see if you can get any funding otherwise MME is the best provider since it is the cheapest. The online English functional skills exams is one that MME offers

Can I take an online maths level 2 functional skills exam?
The exam is available so yes you can. MME is one of the providers for the online functional skills maths level 2 exams.

Additional Support

If you have any other questions about the Functional Skills exams that were not answered here, then do feel free to either contact us or visit the Functional Skills Support Group on Facebook , which is full of tutors and students who will be more than happy to help you with your issues.

Pass Functional Skills is an alternative provider that must be noted as well as a top-notch functional skills provider.